Greek God Of Gambling


Fortuna, the minor Roman goddess of good luck and chance
The Romans worshipped the Greek goddess Tyche under the name of Fortuna. She was an oracular goddess and consulted in various ways regarding the future. Fortuna represented the different changes in life that could range from prosperity to disaster. Fortuna could therefore be viewed as possessing alter egos reflecting the fickle nature of chance and fortune:

  1. Who Is The Greek God Of Gravity
  2. Who Is The Greek God Of Money
  3. Greek God Of War

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  • Fortuna Bona meaning good luck
  • Fortuna Mala meaning bad luck
  • Fortuna Brevis meaning 'fickle fortune'
  • Fortuna Dubia meaning doubtful fortune

Greek God Of Gambling section also features many high-value jackpot games such as Ozwin’s Jackpots, Furious 4, Chests of Plenty, Leprechaun’s Luck, Streak Greek God Of Gambling of Luck, The Glass Slipper, and Awesome Stars. Apparently Giles is a strong believer in the maxim 'Idle hands are the Devil's tools.' A more probable theory is based on the idea that gambling is closely related to the Confucian world-view. Confucianism stresses securing favors from the gods by praying to them, and sacrificing to them.

Who Is The Greek God Of Gravity

Plutarch's essay on the Fortune of the Romans attempts to show that the great achievements of that people were to be attributed to good luck rather than to wisdom, skill or aptitude.

Picture of Fortuna

The Roman Goddess Fortuna - Favored by Slaves and 'Plebs'
Fortuna was favored by the slaves and the plebeians for her power to bestow riches and liberty and as the goddess of gambling. The plebeians, or 'Plebs' were the common, lower class Romans distinct from the higher order of the patricians who were wealthy upper class aristocrats. The slaves and the plebeians made offerings to Fortuna in the hope that she would bestow a rags-to-riches transformation. The annual festival of Fors Fortuna was held on June 24 which was the traditional Solstitium, the summer solstice. It was a rowdy and merry festival well attended by many Romans who made a pilgrimage to her temples on foot or by boat, bedecked with garlands of flowers. Offerings were made to the goddess and there were feasts which involved the drinking of much wine. During the Fors Fortuna people indulged in gambling in games of chance.

Looking for Some Help With Your Gambling? Maybe You Need to Call for Help From the Gods of Gambling

Who Is The Greek God Of Money

For thousands of years we've enjoyed gambling and throughout history we've also been calling on the Gods for help. Even today there are those that pray for help, which is perhaps a little misguided but nevertheless we somehow feel much luckier if there is someone or something watching over what we do. It seems to make us more confident in taking a chance, maybe it's because we want to prove that fortune is on our side.

In ancient times people from various civilizations believed there were certain gods that ruled over the world of gambling. Ancient people believed in them and prayed to them for good fortune. Different civilizations believed in different Gods, so let's introduce a few of them to you here.

Who are the Gods of gambling?

Greek God Of War



Hermes is an Olympian god in Greek mythology and widely recognized as being the winged messenger of the gods. As well as being the Greek god of gambling he was also known for being a trickster and for his ability to outwit other gods for his own satisfaction as well as for mankind. He is said to have been able to move freely between mortal and divine world and conducted souls into the afterlife. His father was the ruler of the Greek gods, Zeus. In Roman mythology he is known as the Roman god Mercury.


Thoth is the Egyptian God of knowledge, the Moon, measurement, records, thought, intelligence, magic, secrets and much more. He was a very busy god there's no doubt as he was also the Egyptian god of gambling. With attributes much the same as Hermes he is recognized for being the creator of magic, the messenger of the gods, the inventor of writing and also for being the divine keeper of records and as a mediator. One of the Egyptian myths tells of how he was able to earn 5 extra days by gambling with the moon. The game played was a dice game and he was playing in order to help the sky goddess Nut have her children.


This is the Aztec god of art, games, dance, flowers, beauty and gambling. He took a human girl as his wife and had a twin sister named Xochiquetzal. Also know for being one of the gods for fertility and agricultural produce, he had links with the god of rain as well as the god of maize.


Nezha is the Chinese patron of gamblers. It is said that he has a mischievous character that allows him to give winning numbers to lottery winners. But he is better known in his other guises as Nataku or Nata, a half-mortal war god that has featured in Japanese animations.


Lakshmi is the Hindu goddess of wealth, fortune and prosperity. She is also the wife and energy of Vishnu. It is believed by Hindus that those who sincerely worship her will be blessed with future success and fortune. She is worships as part of the Diwali celebrations and many then go on to gamble and spend huge amounts of money because they believe they will be blessed.


This is the gambling god of the Navajo and is also called the Great Gambler. He is the son of sun god Tsohanai. He came down to Earth and various tribes received lessons in his gambling games. The power he had led him to beat everyone in the games of chance and for his winnings he chose to enslave people and get them to build a city in his honor.